Network | Explaining LAN | MAN | WAN


When two or more than two computers or servers connected through the medium and sharing resources. The purpose of network may include large-scale computers such as Mainframes computers, Super computers, Mini computers, Micro computers. Many devices other than computer also connected to network such as Input/Output (I/O) devices, terminals etc. (I/O) devices may includes printers, fax machines, printers etc. Terminals may include work station of various kinds etc. In network information can be of any type : sounds, images, texts, videos, PDFs, etc. Mobile phones is also a part of network.

Computer networks are divided according to geographical location, size and complexity.
Computer network are divided as follows :-

1. LAN ( Local Area Network )
2. MAN( Wide Area Network )
3. WAN( Metropolitan Area Network )


Local Area Network is a type of network that allow computers to sharing information in a limited local area. It connects computers and devices located close to one another such as in one building. LAN is easy to install and data can be transmitted at very high speed in the network. This type of network usually does not consist of more than 100 computers. A typical LAN consists of many computers and devices connected together within building premises. In LAN, distance between the nodes is limited maximum approximately 10 km. Due to short distances, the error rates in LANs are low. LANs allows the extended use of personal computers by connecting them to powerful servers. LAN has become a key resource for any organization to share information and resources within an organisation. The examles of LANs are, computers connected in a building, in office etc. 


Metropolitan Area Network is larger than connects system or LAN (Local Area Network ) within a city. MAN covers an entire city using the LAN. Some of MAN use broadband co-axial cables as the transmission data. A MAN can support data as well as voice signals. MAN connects computers and devices located in area larger than LAN. MAN is expensive than LAN as it cover more area. Due to large distance the error rates in MANs are more than LAN. However, MAN mainly uses high speed oprical fiber to connect one point to other point in a city or one state to other state. The examples of MAN are :- branches of a local bank in a city, Cellular Mobile Radio Telephones (CMRT). Cable television network are good examples of MANs that distribute television signals. 


Wide Area Network is also like LAN ( Local Area Network ) and MAN ( Metropolitian Area Network ) but it covers a large geographical area with various communication facilities such as long distance telephone services, satellite transmission and under-sea cables. WAN is the largest area network in the world as it covers whole world and space satellite also. The WAN typically involves powerful computers and many different types of communications, hardware and software. Inteŕnet is an example of Wide Area Network. The examples of Wide Area Network are Banking networks, Airline reservation system network, ATM facilities, Satellite signals etc. 

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