Computer - Types of computer


Computer is an electronic device which can takes the data as an input and process it and gives the result as an output.

Types of computer

There are three types of computer Digital computer, Analog computer and Hybrid computer.

Digital computer

Digital computer works on binary system. In digital technology data in the form of numbers, letters and symbols is represented in binary form i.e- 0 and 1. Binary digits are easily expressed in a digital computer. It computes by counting and adding operations. The digital computer are used in industries, for Wi-Fi, business, education and scientific applications. Digital computer are suitable for large volume of data processing. It is widely used in networking architectures and internet.

Analog computer

Analog computers are those computers that performs arithmetical operations by using some variable physical quantity, such as mechanical movement or voltage to represent numbers. A speedometer is a good example of analog computer. Since it measures the changes in speed level continuosly. The accuracy of an analog computer is less than digital computer. Examples of analog computer are Speedometer, Resistance of capacitor, Frequency of signal, Voltagey, Thermometer etc.

Hybrid computer

Hybrid computers are the combination of analog and digital computers. Hybrid computer use both analog and digital technology. It has the speed of analog computer and accuracy of a digital computer. Hybrid computers are used as a cost effective means for complex simulations. The analog components provide efficient processing of differential equations while the digital parts deals with logical operations of the system. Examples of hybrid computer are- A cellphone is a hybrid system that takes our voice, ATM machine etc.
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