Components of network

Network is a telecommunication channel using which we can share data with other computers or devices connected to same network. By connecting all the computers and devices with each other in network we can share data as well as information. 
There are many components which makes networks. Some components are follow as :-


Server is a computer which provide services/resources to other computers in network. It is used for managing file systems, managing devices on network, handling network communication and serving for various requests of users for information sharing etc. There are more than one server in a network and each server has a unique name on the main server in network. 
All servers are divided into two types :-
1. Dedicated server
2. Non-dedicated server

 Dedicated server

In big network, there are one or more computers which provide help to workstations for data access, hardware and software resources these servers or computers are called dedicated server. These are fast and handle data on large scale. 

Non-dedicated server

A workstation can work as a server on small networks is called non-dedicated server. These are slower in speed and need more memory. These servers are not completely dedicated to the cause of serving. 


Any computer which connected to network is called nodes. Users of computer use these nodes to work in network. These nodes share resources of network. 


A computer which is not connected to any network is called Stand Alone Computer. Those Stand Alone Computers who work as node in the network are called workstation. These are attached to server with Network Interface Card (NIC). These are personal computers with their own processing power. When they connected on network, they use extra processing power and capabilities of server. It makes them more capable for providing services as a server. 

Network Interface Card (NIC)

Network Interface Card is a device used to connect computers in a network or internet . Each NIC has a unique identifying number is called node address. Every server and workstation has its own Network Interface Card. This ensures that when the information is transferred, it goes to the correct user. It allows computer to talk to each other. 


A router is like a traffic policeman - it directs network trffic. When we send data through a network, the data gets divided into tiny packets. A router is a device that transfers these packert or data from one network to another network  by determines the fastest available path. When the packets reached their final destination, they reassembled into the original massage. It also connects two or more different network having same protocals. It uses logical address of packets for transformation of data. 

Hub and Switch

Both Hub and Switch have multiple ports that facilitates connecting devices in a network together. 
A hub connects multiple computers together in a network. It allows computers to share data packets. Hub broadcasts data to all the devices connected to the hub.
Switch connects multiple communication line together. It identifies the devices for which data is sent and sends it to that devices only. Switch is used to create temporary connections between two lines to share data packets. 


Modem is a very important device in network. Modem stands for Modulator Demodulator, which means to convert analog signal to digital and vice - versa. Modem is coding and decoding device. Computer information stored in the computer in digital form. Modem convert these digital signal or data into analog signal or data and again convert analog data into digital for ex when data is transmitted between computers through a telephone line, it is converted from digital signal into analog which can be transmitted through telephone line and at end point again it is converted by modem into digital signal to be used in another conputer. Any computer can be connected to the internet by using modem and information can be sent or received by computer to the internet.
There are two categories of modem;
1. External Modem 
2. Internal Modem
External Modem is a device which connected to the computer system through a cable. And the Internal Modem is a circuit board plugged on the mother board of the computer system.

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