What is Operating System (OS) ?


In the field of computer there are repaid advancement in all hardware and software technologies and the operating system is not an exception. The operatin system is responsible to get the work done by taking actions as per commands given by the user by communicating to all hardware parts and components of the computer. Day by day hardware are becaming popular that's why the need of OS also arises. The operating system decides what to do?, how to do? and where to do? to fullfill a task given by user. It is a set of programs that works as an interface between a user and the computer hardware. Some parts of these programs operate automatically while the other parts provide utilities are meant to carry maintenance of the system. For an operating system to work, first it has to be loaded into the primary storage. This process of loading is called booting of the system. One of its part manage many of the hardware components when the user works with an application program. 

In the middle of 1970s when personal computers were introduced, Bill Gates come up with operating system called ' Microsoft Disk Operating System'. Later in 1990s, Microsoft came up with Graphical User Interface (GUI) based operating system called 'Windows' -


The system that is used to interact with a computer is known as the 'User Interface'. There are two types of interfaces :-
  • Command Line Interface (CLI)
  • Graphical User Interface (GUI)

Command Line Interface (CLI)

A Command Line Interface is also known as Character User Interface (CUI). It is a means of linking with a computer program where the user issues commands to the program in the form of lines of text. It must be entered correctly in order to get the work done. If there is a small come in command is usually typed on a keyboard. Many software systems plement Command Line Interface for control and operations. This includes programming environments and utilities program.
For ex, to copy a file from one location to another you use copy command and the syntax of copy is:

Copy Source Destination
i.e, Copy =:\ Hello.txt a: \ programs

So, Hello.txt will be copied from the hard disk i.e, C: to the floppy disk i.e, A: in the program's folder. 

Graphical User Interface (GUI)

Graphical User Interface is a type of interface which shows pictures. The users select icon, pictures and select option from menus to communication with the operating system. The icon and menus are self explanatory. This type of interface is very popular as commands do not have to be memorized. This interface is widely used in the world. The most popular GUI OS is Windows etc. It is easy to operate. There is no need to write command and perform operation. In this interface we can perform any task only by a click. 

Simply, a GUI is the one where the operating system uses a WIMP environments. 
WINDOWS: The rectangle boxes on the screen.
ICON: The pictures on the screen.
MENUS: The menus on the screen.
POINTERS: Being able to use your mouse to select options.

Graphical User Interface is simple, easy to use, user friendly, best for beginners and attractive interface.

Types of operating system :-
  1. MS-DOS
  2. MS-Window
  3. Mac OS
  4. Unix
  5. Lunix

MS-DOS (Microsoft Disk Operating System)

Microsoft developed MS-DOS in the early 1980s for personal computers. It is a closed source software. MS-DOS is the oldest system as it developed by Microsoft firstly. It is primarly used to IBM compatible, single use computers MS-DOS display lines of text commands. It has Command Line Interface(CLI) that appears difficult to learn and difgicult to use. You can perform tasks by typing text commands. Today, MS-DOS no longer is widely used because it does not offers a Graphical User Interface (GUI) and it cannot take full advantage of modern 32-bit microprocessors.

Microsoft Window

Microsoft developed Windows operating system that has a Graphical User Interface. A window is a rectangle area pertaining to an application or program window. An application window contains an application such as Video player. You can open several applications but at a time only one window is more easy to use, relaible, entertaining and fast. With it web is simply connected and web pages can be created using front page. The popular windows operating systems are: Window 3.1, Window 95, Window 98, Window 2000, Window NT, Window ME, Window XP, Window vista, Window 7, Window 8 and Window 10.

Mac OS 
(Macintosh Operating System)

Mac OS or Macintosh Operating System is a series of Graphical User Interface based  operating system developed by Apple Inc in 1984, for their Macintosh line of computer science. It is a closed source software and targeted to used for  home desktopand workstataions. The Macintosh user experience is credited with popularizing the Graphical User Interface.


Unix is a multiuser, multi tasting server operating system widely used as the master control program in work stataions and servers on internet or network, developed in the early 1970s by the scientists at the Bell Laboratries. Some versons of Unix have a Command Line Interface but most versions of Unix offers a Graphical User Interface. Unix is the most widely used operating system for servers on the internet. It is capable of handling a high volume of transactions in a multiuser environment and working with multi processors using multiprocessing. 


Linux operating system was created by a young students Linus Torvalds, at the University of Helsinki in Finland. It is a Unix based operatin system that is available for free on the World Wide Web. This flexiblity is one of the reasons why Linux is one of the most popular among users. Due to the availability of source code, the user can change it according to their needs.
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