What is computer system?


Computer is an electronic device that was design basically to speed up hard calculations and makes our office or other work easy with accuracy. The term computer is derived from the Latin word "computare". The meaning of "computare" is calculate or a programmable machine. Computer play a very important role in our modern life. In every field computer hold an important position for ex., Education field, Industrial field, Medical field, Entertain field, in office and banks etc. 
A modern computer can perform millions of arithmetic operations per second. It can store millions of words and instructions. Now computer controlled robots which are available to help the disabled people to live more normal lives. But computer can not do anything without a program. It represents the decimal number through a string of binary digits. However, technological advancements have transformed it into a complex, multipurpose machine capable of performing variety of tasks efficiently. There are a lot of different components inside computer, and they all serve different purposes. They all need to work together for the computer to work properly. The word computer usually refers to Central Processing Unit plus internal memory.
There are three stages of working of computer: input,processing and output. Basically the command which is given by the user to the computer is called Input.For ex., A user gives the command-
This 4+4= is taken inside by computer. Input requires specific devices such as key board, mouse etc., which enables you to tell the computer to do something. After this operating system provides the interface and the tools i.e., microprocessor and other components that can process your command which is called processing. After processing computer gives us result which is shown on the screen. This result is called output.

Development of computer

analytical engine

In the modern age the computers have been invented. It was not invented by just one person. It was the outcome of a sequence of a contribution of many people. 
The design of an automatic computer was  thought by a inventor Charles Babbage, he was a British mathematician. Charles Babbage was a Lucasian professor of mathematics at Cambridge University of London. He is also called "The father of computer". In 1812, he invented a machine that could automatically calculate trigonometry and logarithmic tables. This machines used a different method of computation that's why Charles Babbage called it difference engine. Technological capabilities of the time could not  adjust with the requirements of machine, so that the project was flop. Then Charles Babbage designed analytical engine whose design and features were close to the modern computers with capabilities of storing program. But again this project couldn't succeed.
In 1937, Howard H. Aiken of Harvard University designed a machine called Mark-1. Mark-1 was capable of automatically performing a long sequence of arithmetical and logical operation and preparing the mathematical tables which was a time consuming and error prone task. Mark-1 was completed in 1944.
It was a type of electro mechanical device in which data was represented by the pattern of open and closed mechanical delays.  Mark-1 was contained some features like pre-stablishment of programs which are now associated with modern computer.Now computers are highly developed and perform almost every task. The examples of modern computers are Supercomputer, Personal Computer etc., Later all computers were electronic devices. Invention of computers is a result of human efforts to achieve a complex, fast and intelligent device that could computer and process for humans. 
  • ENIAC was the world's first successful electronic computer.

Some important of computer:


All the input given to the computer are known as data. Data is a collection of facts and information raw materials represented either as number or text combination of both. It is also a raw fact which is given to process to find the meaningful information. Data can be in different forms such as- Numbers, Letters, Symbols, Images and videos etc. Data is provided to the computer in the form of pieces, which which are encoded in such a  way that the computer can understand it. Data is processed with the help of instructions provided to the computer and the meaningful or desirable output is come, which is called information. Data is a essential need which makes computer. Most people think that data and software are same but we should know that software and data are two different things. Data is "processed" but , Software runs computer to process data. It is a basic requirement to produce any information. For example, if we want to prepare a table of employs then we will required the employs Name, Identity number, Address, Salary, Attendance etc., and then it will be printed on the paper as a meaningful information.


Processing is the technique of sorting, relating, interpreting, updating and computing items of data to give a meaning and usefulness of it. Processing is done according to the predefined rules arranged in a specific order. After processing computer can send the information into its memory or output it on any secondary storage device. Many computer process data fastly but many of them process data slowly, What is is the reason behind it ?

Basically it depends on computer's processor. If processor's processing power is high, it process data fastly. If processor' processing power is low then it process data slowly. But many computers which are infected with computer virus, their processor becomes slower. The some example of processors are intel i9 octacore processor, intel i7, intel i5, intel i6, snapdragon 765g and snapdragon 855g etc.


The computer provided the meaningful and desirable output is called information. It is an processed data. It consist of data and result after processing by the computer. It is the output or solution. This output can be summarise or totals. It is a meaningful form which either can directly be used or it can again be used as a data to process it again to find another type of result. For example, if we prepared a table the result of this table is information. We can understand the data and information as follows:

Information = Data + context + meaning.

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