Types of digital computer

Today all over world use computer. The people who use computer also know about internet. Almost every internet connected computer makes networking architecture, by which data is transferred.
Types of digital computer :
The digital computer categorised according to their computing capabilities. The various types of digital computers are, Micro computers, Mini computers, Main frames computers, Super computers.

Micro computers

A micro computer is a small, relatively inexpensive computer. These type of computer uses a microprocessor as its Central Processing Unit (CPU). These are also known as PCs. It includes a microprocessor, memory and minimal input/output circuitry mounted on a single Printed Circuit Board (PCB). These computers workes on small volume of data. Micro computers are designed to serve only one user at a time. Modern desktop computers, video games consoles, tablets PCs, mobile phones, pocket calculators, laptops etc.

Mini computers

A mini computer is a class of smaller computer which is useful for small business organisations. These computers can support multiple users working simultaneously on the same machine. Mini computer is more powerful then mainframe computer. These are mainly used in an organization where computers installed in various departments are interconnected. It is capable of running programs in a higher level language, such as Fortran or BASIC.

Mainframe computers

Mainframes computers are used as server. Mainframes are designed to handle very high volume input and output (I/O). These computers are larger and powerful computers with very high memory capacity. These can process huge databases such as census at extremely fast rate. Modern mainframes can run multiple difference instances of OS at the same time. They are suitable for big organisations banks, industries etc and can support 100 users simultaneously on the network. Universities, banking institutions, stock exchanges, insurance companies are some examples of using mainframe servers for maintaining  employments' data, ATM transactions, financial transactions, clients and employs'records.

Super computers

A super computer is a computer that can execute billions of instructions per second. These are fastest and very expensive. The main difference between a super computer and a mainframes is that a super computer excutes fewer programs as fast as possible where as a mainframe excutes many programs concurrently. Super computer play an important role in the field of computer science. Super computer are used for a wide range of computationally intensive task in various fields. All of the world's festest 500 Super computer run on Lunix-based operating system. 

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