Smartphone : A black truth | Your privacy is gone

Your privacy is gone | Violent reality of smartphone

Hey guys !

What about you ! I am sure you all are fine.

In this article, I am going to tell you about , what we expect from our mobile phones and what are their reality. How your privacy is gone. I’ll also tell you some facts which is unknown by most of the people.

So, let’s start…

As we all know mobile phone become a big part of our life. We can’t imagine life without mobile phone.
Isn’t it ?
In fact that a person spend approximately 5 to 6 hours a day on their smart phones and approximately ¼ part of his/her life. I’m not sure about this ratio. Maybe, this ratio exceeds in Covid-19 period.

Today, people use smart phone like a addiction. Slowly-slowly we are depending on it. It just like smart phones rules us.
Have you ever seen 2 or 3 years old children to use mobile like elders. It is really amazing but also bad for future because it’s a addiction and will bring lot of problems like pain in neck, eye weakness, pain in fingers and much more.

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The Dark Web: The unseen side of internet: Onion routing ???
Marianas Web, The Scariest Part of the Internet?

Most of the parents give smart phones to their children in young age. Even, they don’t want to know, what does they doing with their smart phones.
I’m not telling that every under age use it for wrong intention. But, in many case mobile cause negative effect. Not on under ages but also all type of ages.

In every month, I think 2+ new smart phones being launched by the companies with advance features and technologies.
Recently, iPhone 12 and iPhone 12 pro launched.
Have you ever seen smart phones launch advertisements. The advertisers play with your mind. They make effective ads and show features to trap public. And public will easily trapped by them. I think there best trap is attract public by showing smart phone cameras with more megapixels and fast processor etc.
By seeing many advance features many of us purchased it.
How smart phone technically harm us?
Do you know “ your smart phone know about you or what’s going on in your life”. Which is sufficient for blackmailers to blackmail you!

Let’s make it simple,

Ask a question to your self “ what daily things you do in your smart phone”?

Let me guess!

Spend time on social media.
Search queries on internet. [It maybe private for you]
Sometimes you captured images, use net banking and store your personal data i.e., your private images, chats, passwords and so on.
Almost every person use smart phones can do any one of these activities and your all activities are stored in your phone. That’s how you can imagine that “ How much your phone harm you, if it will stolen or hacked”.
When you are online your all information i.e., search queries, images, chats, personal documents, financial documents, private chats and even much more information are stored in your smart phone.
Now, many people tell that “we delete our personal chats, info and activities from browser and phone after a period of time”.
How our data history can be stored on internet after deleting?
Many smart phones user delete their browser’s history for example, their search activities and other online data from browser they use. Yes, it is true, we delete history of our online activity, because every one wants privacy. But “ Internet is a place where no one activity can be deleted, it saves permanently on server”. When you delete your past browser’s activity, it will only delete from your mobile phone not on server. And your Internet Service Provider (ISP) also trace a full record of your activity logs.

How our information (i.e., contact number etc.) automatically leak on Internet?
It has many reasons,

Let’s take some ones,

Did you ever download any application in your phone?

Off course…

Every smart phone user download many kinds of applications (Apps). Downloading application isn’t much effect on smart phone, but the main game starts when you run any harmful application on your smartphone. Normally, in new application you takes some steps to setup it. In these setup step you ever seen a popup notification like them. 👇👇👇

Have you ever think what happen when you click on “Allow” button?

Let me clear,

By these notification many application (mostly application) want to access your particular file or information i.e., contact number, images galley or much more. They use your information to provide you better experience.
But, are all third party applications trustable? Maybe, many third party application leaks your data or sell/give to someone else…
Normally, most of the people ignore these notification and click on “Allow”.
That’s how you give access to third party applications or website of any file or particular area. And know one knows what these third party application can do on background. Some are trusted but many leaks your information.
Now, I’m not force you to don’t use third party applications. Use them but only trusted applications.

"Many application in your smart phones continuously running, even when you close your mobile phone".

Internet is vast store of harmful application, websites, viruses etc. No one knows what is the purpose to make them. Many of them make only to hack your phone or other devices. Many companies gives you security for a safe search.

Second reason,

You yourself give your personal information…

How can it be possible?

The simple answer of this question is social media. Social media is becoming trend. Social media connects you to the world. It helps small business or setups to reach to the new customers. You know better than me about social media.

Many people don’t know how to use social media. They share their whole activity that what are they doing a day. Selfie is world wide trend. People take selfie and post on social media and also mention what are doing, on where they going, their relationship…

In extra, they use #tag to make it easy.

#my friends, #my school, #my life, #my mom, #my dad, #my brother, #my sister, #my love, #my family, # my wife, #my husband, #my home, #holiday, #shopping, #birthdayparty, #trip, #office, #Amazon, #facebook, #whatsapp, #twitter, #instagram, #wechat, #youtube…
Are these #tag make easy to know about anyone’s personal information. When #tag use with images and short description, at what level anyone’s personal information upload on internet. Now it is not personal because thousands of social media look it.

Do you know a trending news, image, chat so on spreads like fire ?

Social media account hacked cases is normal. Many of social media user’s account hacked by the hackers, daily.
I’m not telling don’t use social media, but be serious about your privacy. Use it at a limit.
Use some precaution:-

Don’t share your personal information on social media.
Make sure your account is protected with password.
Change your social media password after every week or month.
Choose a unique and strong password.
Check time to time that your social media account isn’t hack.
Internet is connected to your smart phones. May be any one is watching you by your smart phone camera. Be serious about your privacy.

Today, your smart phone is just like a key of your private or sensitive information’s room. Any one use it against you, to unlock your sensitive information’s room. Any one use your smart phone as a weapon against you. Never leave your smart phone for a single minute in unknown place. Make sure your smart phone is secured with password. Smart is just like a machine or device. Use it as a machine. I suggest you, don’t give it more importance then relatives or friends.

Marianas Web, The Scariest Part of the Internet?

Marianas Web, The unsolved mystery?

With a depth of approximately 7 miles (11.3km), the Marianas Trench is the deepest oceanic trench in the world. So much remains unknown about it, and scientists are still studying what dwells in its dark depths. How is this trench related to the High-Tec world of the Internet? Well, the deepest part of the Internet is named after it. In the past few years, Marianas Web has captured the interest of everyday computer users and computer experts alike.

  We will explore the facts and rumours surrounding this mysterious part of the Internet, in this article.

Marianas web,las Marianas web, Marianas web videos, Mariana

Marianas Web

Marianas Web| became widely known because of an iceberg infographic that spread across the Internet. This infographic divides the Internet into different levels ranging from Level 0 or the Common Web that most of us are familiar with, to several other hidden levels. Mariana Web is identified as Level 5, the most hidden level of the Internet, but the infographic does not list examples of what is in Marianas Web as it does for the other levels. Instead,there is a cryptic one-line message with offensive language that is not worth repeating. The presence of Marianas Web on this iceberg infographic seems to be the only fact about it that can be verified. The dubious infographic further hints at a major problem that you face when you try to learn more about Marianas Web.

 Most of what is known about it is based on rumours. Some of the rumours are scary, and some of them are not. 

Here are some of the prevailing ones: 


  Marianas Web is deeper and darker than the Dark Web. To understand this rumour, you have to understand what the Dark Web is. The Dark Web is a small subsection of the Deep Web, which is a part of the Internet that is hidden from public view. Websites on the Deep Web and the Dark Web are part of an encrypted network, so they cannot be found with commercial search engines such as Google or Bing. They also cannot be viewed with common browsers like Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome. You need a special browser such as Tor to access websites on the Deep Web and the Dark Web, and Tor allows you to view them anonymously. Recently, the Dark Web has gained media attention as the home of shady, nefarious websites such as the notorious Silk Road black market site that was shut down by the FBI in 2013.The Dark Web bad reputation has led people to jump to conclusions about Marianas Web. If the Dark Web attracts contract killers, drug dealers, and worse, what horrors does Marianas Web contain if it is even deeper than the Dark Web? Several possibilities appear in other rumours. 

Rumour 2: 

An artificial intelligence (AI) system exists in Marianas Web. Move over Hal in 2001: A Space Odyssey. There is a new AI system in town, and she lives in Marianas Web. There is even a possibility that Marianas Web is the AI. She is bigger and more powerful than Hal and supposedly monitors and controls information on the entire Internet. Just wait until she becomes sentient.

You may also see:

Rumour 3: 

It contains some of human kind darkest secrets. This rumour presents the possibility that Marianas Web is a digital library of X-files. Are you a historian looking for some obscure facts about the first Pope of Rome? The Vatican Secret Archives are supposedly in there. Do you want to find out where Atlantis is? Its location is supposedly in there. Do you want to read up on that Russian spy that lived next door to you ten years ago? An intelligence agency archive database is supposedly in there. Getting in Marianas Web is not easy, however, which we will discuss in the next rumour.

Rumour 4: 

It is the most inaccessible part of the Internet. You can use Tor to visit Marianas Web. Accessing Marianas Web is more complicated than that. According to this rumour, you must calculate a complex algorithm called the Polymeric Falcighol Derivation. There is some doubt that this algorithm is actually real, and you may be stuck with the impossible task of computing something that does not exist. In addition, you can make this calculation on just any computer. You need a quantum computer, which is new technology that is not widely available to the public. There is a good reason for this lack of public availability. Currently, quantum computers need some extreme conditions to function properly. For instance, the processor of a D-Wave 2000Q  can run only in a high vacuum environment. The pressure of this vacuum must be 10billion times lower than the Earth atmosphere according to one source. Unless your home includes a climate-controlled room that can maintain environmental conditions reminiscent of outer space, you are out of luck. Because of their special requirements, quantum computers are owned mainly by government entities. This means that a few select people working for these government entities are probably the only ones who have access to Marianas Web. They can access it, that is, if it actually exists, which leads us to our next rumour. 

Rumour 5: 

Marianas Web is a purposely fabricated invention. This rumour sounds like something from a techno-thriller movie. Under the cover of anonymity, some hackers claim that they invented Marianas Web because they were being blackmailed by the FBI. The FBI needed them to create a distraction that would take attention away from its shutdowns of various black markets on the Dark Web. Since these claims are anecdotal information from anonymous sources, we cannot say with certainty that they are true. What we can say with certainty is that Marianas Web remains a strange unsolved Internet mystery. 

Much has been written about it, but few people(or perhaps none) have actually seen it. There is no concrete evidence that clearly proves or disproves its existence. And, depending on which rumours you believe, it may be the most or least scary part of the Internet. 

Do you think Marianas Web is real?


The Dark Web: The unseen side of internet: Onion routing ???

Explaining The Surface Web, Deep Web and Dark Web.


The Internet has changed everything from the way we work, to the way we play, to the way, we live. It seems that there is a corner of the web for everyone despite what interests you've got despite what your beliefs are there's someone or something out there that thinks an equivalent way that you simply do.

The web has connected us in ways that were never before imagined. It's a place where everyone from connection from anywhere on earth can come together. There's so much stuff on the Internet most of which you don’t even know exists. If you want something, anything whether it be a service or product legal or illegal immoral or unethical the Internet has it you can choose to use this for good or bad much like the surface web that we all use every single day.

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The dark web is full of websites and forums and services that we can use but it's hidden under a layer of protection under the surface lies the nest of dark and hidden activities that are blocked off from the rest of the world. The dark web is the haven for illegal online activity and it goes deep much deeper than you might imagine. It’s a place where criminals predators spies, drug and even human traffickers lie and it's all hidden in plain sight. You could access it in minutes, if you wanted but should you?

There are three categories of internet or web:

1. Surface web

2. Deep web

3. Dark web or Dark net

Surface Web

First off we have the surface web this is everything that you use on a daily basis YouTube, Twitter and any social media at all. It's all a part of, what we call! the World Wide Web. It's relatively easy to find anything on the surface web as almost everything is indexed by search engines like Google. Every second over 1,000 photos are posted on Instagram, 8,000, tweets are posted on Twitter, 70,000 Google searches take place and nearly 100,000 YouTube videos are watched.

From this, the surface web seems massive and in a way it is in terms of pure traffic, almost everything you do and can be found here. You could look up anyone and find some kind of information about them and their life.

But what you can't find these are the things like their bank account or medical records. These things are hidden under password-protected websites, where only they can access them. This is where we venture into the Deep Web.

Deep Web

The Deep Web refers to the content on the internet that is not indexed by search engines. Basically, if you can't find it on Google, it's technically on the Deep Web. If you've ever logged into your email, you've browsed the Deep Web technically and I know it might be a little disappointing that the Deep Web is not as cool as it sounds. It's pretty much just as mundane as the surface web but with just a little more privacy. It realize that the Deep Web is that the most massive a part of the web.

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The Deep Web contains 96% of everything on the web. So, although you're online every single day and searched through new websites for the next 50 years, you will not be able to break into the net amount of information.

There's too much on the Internet, most of which you can't even reach to go through, but even further, the slowest sliders on the Internet contain a portion of the web compared to the deep web where things don't leave the website. It is encrypted. The existence of sliced he idler without IP addresses, making them virtually unrecognizable by users with encrypted software without an identity, to fully extend their identity to what we access the dark web But how it works, how can you hide it from the rest of the world. But there is something that pretty much everyone has.

If you are browsing Surface Web Choice, then the FBI man is not seeing you all right, but for the average person all you can do online and in many ways many Websites will be tracked. You are searching and looking and in return you advertise products or services that fit that description.

See a problem within everyone, but how far we can spoil it before it goes away is that the United States government thought 20 years ago that they are one of the system that could protect their communications.

While online, the internet wasn't designed for everyone and everything to remain anonymous in away anyone could intercept government transmissions. While they were being relayed and this was unacceptable.

Onion Routing

In the mid 1990s researchers at the US Naval Research Laboratory began working on something called Onion Routing.
Onion Routing protects any data sent by essentially, wrapping it with multiple layers of encryption, where the innermost layer contains the original message.
Let's say you need to get a message from one place to another but in order to get that message to the end. Your massage have to go through three midpoints we’ll call them A, B and C. The message is then wrapped in three layers of encryption each layer only knows where the message previously came from and where to send it, next nothing else.
So the message or whatever data that was originally sent remains hidden. At each midpoint a layer of encryption is stripped and the new layers information tells it, where to send the message to next eventually. After traveling through all the points, the final layer is stripped and the message is visible.
The Soviet encryption allows our data to be sent to and from multiple locations, without it being interceptable in between no one else can see. Only those who are supposed can see the massage because of Onion Routing.

Dark Web

Dark Web is also called Dark net. It is a part of internet below private Deep Web that uses custom software and hidden networks. It’s also a encrypted network and can only be assessed with special browser or network like Tor.
Tor (Tor browser) can exist dark nets operated alongside networks like the internet or requires certain software to access to stands through the Onion Router. It's a software named after the technology that made it possible.
It seems just like another normal web browser but through Tor and other similar dark nets you can access web pages that are not available to the general public. The tools and requirements needed to access the dark web.
The dark web is enough to attract different types of users from all around the world, who links to pages don't look like They don't look familiar.
Whatever instead, they tend to look like random strings of characters and Nick Nam Kham not .org but .Onion. If you attempt to access these websites through any traditional web browser. It’s not goanna work but when using Tor it will work. This is your first step into the dark web. At least this is the hidden.
Wiki it contains a list of hundreds of different hidden services you can find on the dark web.
You can find fake US driver’s licenses and passports! You can find illegal weapons! You can find drugs!, it’s all here and we're barely scratching the surface just like on the surface web.

Marketplaces are extremely popular on the dark web. Here you can buy things that you may struggle to get elsewhere like rocket launchers now I don’t suggest you to doing any of this.
But if you want to buy things from sites on the dark web, how would you do it?
Using traditional forms of payment on the dark web does not make much sense such as credit cards can be easily tracked taking things anonymously and now look you're in jail. For these reasons virtual currency is king. This is why Bitcoin comes in.

Bitcoin is a virtual currency which is almost anonymous in nature. It is useful compared to other cryptocurrencies on the site. It is important to run any anonymous market. Create a bitcoin wallet and exchange some of your cash for Bitcoin. You know? How your anonymous currency to do almost whatever you want with it.
One of the first things that pops into people's minds from the Dark Web is, the rapid volume of sites selling illegal drugs and similar items. Yes, they are real.

Silk RoadIn 2011, a dark net market known as Silk Road opened for business. It has since become almost synonymous with the dark web. Where you could buy any illegal drug. You have ever dreamed of sellers from all over the world sold things from weed to cocaine from DMT to LSD. If drugs aren't your thing, they also sold things like guns, Fake or cash and some books and clothes as well.
But after only 2 years in action, the site was seized by the FBI and take down in October 2013. Over the course of only 2 years 2011 to 2013, Silk Road generated over 9.5 million Bitcoin means (1,07,37,75,50,000.00 USD) or (7,88,23,59,45,12,50,000.00 Indian Rupee) in revenue. Now stretching this, a bit if you sold these Bitcoin at the peak of its price in 2017 which is roughly 20,000 dollars.
Silk Roads total revenue would amount to over 187 billion dollars in just 2 years. Silk Road’s another dark web Margaret’s actually played a pretty big hand in the rise of Bitcoin.

In 2011, Bitcoin was created with the Silk Road. Bitcoin was valued at less than a dollar. But, because the dark web pretty much required the decentralized cryptocurrency it was a perfect choice to be honest. Bitcoin wouldn't be where it is today without a bit of illegal activity. The creator of Silk Road Ross Ulbricht was found and arrested in 2013, which was ultimately the reason. The site was taken down. He was given two life sentences plus 40years in prison without a chance for parole.
All the illegal activities going on in the dark web, it's not as massive as many make it out to be many of larger services end up getting taken down whether it be by a local government or even the FBI. But where there's demand supply will inevitably shown, when one side is taken down, five new ones opened up to fill the void.

After Silk Road was taken down, Silk Road 2.0 opened up. It was taken down less than a year later but after that so crude Silk Road 3.0 opened up and this has continued going on for years.
Many of the creators and administrators of these sites were also found and convicted of similar crimes that Ross Ulbricht was guilty of. But instead of all of these people getting life in prison, their sentences were much shorter.
Their largest seller on Silk Road was only given 10 years in prison. The creator of Silk Road 2.0 was only given a little more than 5 years in prison for creating the same exact thing that got Ross Ulbricht two life sentences in jail.
Nearly everyone else who had any connection to any of these sites were given a max of a 10 year sentence. Even if you never visit the dark web.
If you didn't even know Dark Web exists it still affects you. It's not uncommon to see data leaks and breaches pretty often nowadays.
If your data was stored in a company's database. That was compromised there's a chance for sales, somewhere on the dark web where it could be purchased by anyone with access to it. If you don't know what to spend your money on yet.
Let me help! You out Social Security numbers can go for as little as a dollar. This is something given to every single US citizen in USA and can be used to steal someone else's identity. Botnets are also pretty cheap for as little as a few dollars an hour.

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You can perform a distributed denial of service or DDoSattack to essentially take almost any website or service temporarily offline. These botnets can severely affect anyone or any business that is targeted.
If you have ever played video games online before someone's probably done this to you. You can also buy someone's medical records for as low as $50. There's also stolen credit cards for sale as well just buy one rack up the bill and then never pay it. A lot of this data isn’t even for sale, it's just out there. There are websites leaking the information of politicians celebrities and even normal people like you and I and there's not much you can really do about it.
But even worse than this, there are some even darker things that can be carried out on the dark web.
There are multiple hitmen services on Dark web claiming to be able to kill almost anyone in the world you want for as little as $5,000. Many of these have been revealed to be scams but not all of them. But even though, these may be scams. The fact that there are people out there who trust random people on the Internet to carry out real murders is concerning to say the least.
There’s also services selling real human organs. How they acquire these? We’ll never know.
Child pornography is unfortunately a larger part of Dark Web, such as Lolita city and playpen have been taken down with the help of FBI. But due to dark web peaks sites like these had over 200,000users.
Similar forms exist that discussed ways of kidnapping children from different parts of the world. Where people would have discussions about how to hide them, what kind of kids they owned and even darker things that they would do to them, when no one else is around.
This is only a small look into this deep and dark corner of the internet. The lack of rules, allows anything to exist here.
The deeper you go, the scarier things you will find.
But despite all these things, about half of all funding for Tor on the Dark Web still comes from the United States Government which is really surprising.
When you consider the reputation that the dark web has a lot of people that have been arrested and thrown in prison for illegal activities on the dark web, nobody even seem physically threatening whatsoever.
But if you can run a drug empire online or hire hit men for a couple Bitcoin without ever having to put yourself in danger. You might not have to be these are people you could see walking down the street. These are people that are inline behind you at the grocery store. They seem just like normal people and you might not even know what they are seeing.

The Dark Web is depicted as a vast criminal underground where millions of the worst people in society live and while it is partially true that it is not entirely claimed that the Dark Web contains almost all of these hidden services are only two to ten thousand.
Only over half of them are considered illegal content. But then again these numbers cannot be taken as fact because well hidden services are by design meant to be hidden.
Out of these few thousand websites only less than six percent of people who use Tor actually use these hidden services. That is less than 120,000 thousand people out of the billions of people who use the Internet. Out of them, a hundred thousand people used the dark web. This is just a drop of water in the ocean.
Internet content that has deemed to be obscene by a higher power typically governments. There's no surprise that not everyone in the world is as genuine as they may see. But that is the gamble you take that is, the price you pay for this.

Other parts exist in the rest of the world to help many countries around the world. The Dark Web provides a place where no censorship exists, providing truth to many people who would have never seen otherwise. It gives people a place to speak truly about and report on things that are important, without fear of censorship or even physical threats.
Many of the largest news networks operate dark web services to allow people to come forward with information without the fear of being caught or publicly ridiculed.
But to be honest everyone puts their entire lives on the internet at this point 10 or 15 years ago this would have been absurd and quite frankly stupid. But now it seems pretty normal in a way we are slowly giving up Internet privacy.
The Dark Web protects the way that it gives people a way to withdraw their privacy and anonymity whether they use it in a positive or negative way.
Drugs sold on the dark web, while mostly illegal, may have some positive use. If you are in a place where they are not sold, you can buy them from the dark web. While the FBI governments and much of the public beliefs, Silk Road had vastly negative effects on the world. Ross Ulbricht thought otherwise he believed he was doing the world, a service rather than the violence that can result from the trading and dealing of illegal drugs.
The Silk Road provided a more secure experience, which provided opportunity to the people and protected people as opposed to putting them at risk. But despite this, despite his apparently peaceful and non-harming nature, he was the one who actually used these Hitman services in attempts to kill six different people on the dark web, all depending on whether how do you see it and how open you are to interpretations.
The dark web doesn't have to be a terrible place. It is only scary. If you go looking for things that you don't want to see. You can’t necessarily get rid of them, but you can't avoid them.
There are somethings that the average person just shouldn’t see. If you don't want to fall victim to this. I say, stay away from the dark web, even if you believe it is as bad as it was made. If this is the first time you are hearing about it. You probably don't know what you're doing and once you're in you, you're not giving up.

A hidden Web exist below Dark Web is "Marianas Web".

A article already published on Topic "Marianas Web".

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